Old World Coffee, New World Conscience

What we do

Welcome to our old world coffee roasting company offering premium yet affordable Italian style coffee in full 1-pound bags. We make smooth and robust medium and dark roasted coffees with the top 5% of green coffee beans available worldwide. We started roasting our own coffee when we had trouble finding the hearty and full bodied flavors we love—the kind of unapologetically nutty and sweet coffee that can be found on any street corner in Italy. Neither acidic nor burnt, our coffees span the range from mellow to bold with all sorts of comforting goodness. And even though our product is high end (what is referred to now as “specialty coffee”), our prices compare with grocery stores. That's because we truly wanted to share our love of really nice coffee by making it affordable. It’s hard to find a full-pound bag of premium coffee anymore, let alone bags like ours that start at just $13.

How we do it

We are guided by a simple principle: to produce quality without waste. We limit what we make so that we can make it both well and efficiently while securing good bulk pricing from our suppliers. And we go low-key on the marketing and packaging. Don’t get us wrong: we think our brand is quite pretty! But we spend zero time or money maintaining a fancy image. This eases the pressure on your pocketbooks while enabling us to focus on substance, taking care of our employees and the environment as we do so. Our packaging is compostable, our coffee roasters run on hydropower, and our coffee beans are grown according to best practices that conserve resources. And because we want to give our employees a stake in the business, we pay a living wage and offer healthcare and retirement benefits. In our view, sustainability also means sustaining the humans who sustain your business.