Things We Support

Rockingham Roasters is committed to building community wealth and health. We support our employees by providing them a living wage. And we’re proud to support the following local and global organizations.

1% of profits
goes to fighting cervical cancer in coffee producing counties

See Grounds for Health for more information.


$360 per year
goes to the Windham County Humane Society

The Windham County Humane Society “ensures the safety and well-being of animals” throughout Windham County, Vermont.

Local Gifts and Fundraisers


We regularly support our local community. Among the groups we’ve supported are the Rockingham Recreation Center, the Community Asylum Seekers Project, Parks Place Community Resource Center, The Bellows Falls Community Bike Project, Turning Point Recovery Center, and the Bellows Falls Historical Society. If you’re interested in gaining our support, email Jennifer a formal request.